Why the sponsorship ?
Beyond personal interest, it is necessary to consider cultural sponsorship as a partnership where each one is a winner but also a key strategy for your enterprise. Truly this tool that sponsorship represents is an ideal mean to communicate in a different way, externally, toward your clients, your partners… as well as internally toward your enterprise’s staff. It’s a way to assert your values and to put your skills to the service of general interest as well as a way to support local cultural development and therefore to participate to attractivity of your territory and to struggle against oversight.
What is exactly sponsorship about ?
t is a simple act at everybody’s hand and that can bring a lot to your enterprise. Donation can be a money deposit, skills, in kind or in technology to the benefit of organisms and general interest works like safeguard, enrichment and valuation. With this sponsorship you can support painters, photographers as well as sculptors… the support to contemporary creation by the acquisition of original works by living artists.
What benefits can we get out of it ?
Sponsorship is an ideal mean to communicate externally and internally.
Externally, a new possibility is given to you to communicate differently with your clients, your partners or the public. Internally with your enterprise’s staff.
Thanks to sponsorship you differ from your competitors to assert your values and put your skills for the benefit of general interest.
Who are the receivers ?
The receivers of this type of action are numerous. From institutions to foundations, to general interest organisms through the State and its public organizations.
Some public or private registered educational establishments can benefit from it.
What are the tax benefits of such an action ?
Thanks to the law of August 1st, 2003, regarding sponsorship, associations and foundations, tax incentives have been set. The latter consists of a reduction of your corporate income tax of 60% of the amount of donation to charities and general interest organizations, within the limit of a maximum of 0,5 % of your turnover excluding tax (with the possibility to report the excess on the next five years in case of exceding of that maximum).
Compensations in communication and public relations for your enterprise capped at 25% of the amount of the donation are also possible. It can be for instance show tickets, private visits, setup of reception spaces, the insertion of your logo in an exhibition book…
You can benefit from a reduction of tax of 90% of the amount of the donation for the acquisition of a « national treasure » or of a « work of major patrimonial interest » for the benefit of a public collection, or of 40% if the enterprise gets the work for itself, or even tax benefits for the purchase of original works by living artists exhibited in a place where public clients, staff have access (except offices of your enterprise) or for the purchase of music instruments which are about to be lent to professional artists or to high-range students.
60% of tax reduction and 25% of compensations so a global advantage of 85% of the amount of the donation for the sponsoring enterprise !
How to become a sponsor ?
At first you must choose carefully your cultural project.
Secondly you must check that the organism applying for sponsorship is able to provide you the guarantee to its eligibility to fiscal sponsorship.
Afterward you will prepare a convention of sponsorship between your enterprise and the benefiting organism. You will have to ask the organism a fiscal receipt for the donation that you will join to your tax return.
Sponsorship interests you, the artists (painters, sculptors and photographers) only want to be in touch with you. You can join us directly in returning the contact file BUSINESS ART SPONSORSHIP.
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Georges LEVY
Business Art & APAI director.